
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Day 10: Best Laid Plans

I had planned to spend today doing diagnostic testing.

1st period, all 7th graders had their pictures taken.  My 1st period is 7th graders.

2nd period, 8th graders had their pictures taken.  My 2nd period is 8th graders.

3rd period, students who go to the vocational school in the afternoon had their pictures taken. Half of my 3rd period goes to the vocational school in the afternoon.

When 5th period rolled around, we suddenly discovered that we had to use the Chromebooks (instead of the desktops) to access the software.  Then we discovered that only about half of the laptops have the right software.

I eventually got everyone logged on 5 minutes before the end of the period.

Periods 7 and 8 got on with no problems and worked well.  We will have to continue working on this tomorrow and there is a pep rally at the end of the day on Friday.  So that's my week.

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