
Friday, September 30, 2016

Day 27: Reassessments

After a week of students looking at their skill scores and practicing various problems, today was reassessment.  Any student who earned less than 4 on a skill on the quiz last week was able to reassess that skill, if they chose to.

I went around the room, asking who wished to reassess which skill and handed out the papers accordingly.

In one class, the scores all came up and I was incredibly impressed.  In another, every reassessment score was either the same as previous demonstrated, or lower.

I will be interested to see what happens with the rest of the classes.  I won't be doing reassessments every week.  After speaking with some other teachers, I've decided it will probably be two more times by the end of the marking period and maybe once every three weeks after that.

I'm ready to move on.  I need to make a conscious effort to spiral back and cover the material that many of the kids still need to work on.

Yesterday, I presented to the faculty of the whole district about what I'm doing with the Standards-Based Grading and reassessments.  I feel as though I rambled a bit, but several other faculty members told me that they enjoyed it and would like to speak to me about it further.

This week has been odd, with assemblies, fire drills, meetings and trainings.  I'm tired.

I'm thankful that I was able to spend some quality time with my department today. I am working with a truly fantastic faculty.

I wish you all a great weekend!

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